
Training Program for Panchayat Raj Institution

Equipping Local Self Government Bodies To Facilitate Community Driven Development

Teaching What We Do, Showing What We Teach.

Local self-government bodies, such as Panchayat Raj Institutions and committee members, play a pivotal role in rural development by identifying community challenges and spearheading the planning, design, implementation, and management of development initiatives. Strengthening their capacities across all facets of governance, including adept problem identification, resource management, and informed decision-making, is essential for facilitating sustainable rural development.

Investing in the enhancement of local self-government capacities not only fosters community ownership and participation but also ensures that development efforts are tailored to local contexts, thereby maximising impact and sustainability.

The two-day Capacity-Building program on Effective Community Leadership and Public Speaking for Panchayat Raj Institution Members including past and aspiring contestants aims to provide the needed knowledge, skills and attitudes to locally-elected community leaders on delivering effective results for themselves, their communities and their state as a whole. The modules cover traits of a good community leader, the risks of poor self-management and weak governance, effective methodologies for discharging roles and responsibilities, and best practices in conducting various proceedings as part of their job. These modules have shown great results in building the confidence of the participants and transforming their approach to development work.

Track Record



