MODULE: Result Based Management(RBM) SESSIONS: 8 DURATION: 2 Days METHODOLOGY: Participatory training PEDAGOGICAL TOOLS: Interactive lecture methods (ILM), Sharing experiences. Group discussions. Group exercises. Presentations Handouts. Case studies.
Module: Result Based Management | General Objectives | |
Goal: To make the participants understand RBM as an approach to improve program delivery and management effectiveness, efficiency and accountability that focuses on achieving defined results. | Knowledge | Policy, principles and characteristics of RBM. Resource vs Result Based Management RBM: a Management Approach, Result, Types of Results: Operational & Developmental Result Chain: Inputs, Activities, Outputs, Outcomes & Impact, Identifying Assumptions, Risk Analysis Indicators: Qualitative & Quantitative Developing RBM Performance Measurement Framework. Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation |
Abilities & tools | RBM enables a process through which results are formulated, program achievements are monitored, decision-making is better informed, reporting is facilitated and transparency and accountability are ensured. | |
Values & Change of attitudes | The participants will have a major shift in the program management culture in order to aim at improving program management effectiveness in designing, monitoring and evaluating the program execution placing the focus on results rather than on activities. |