
Training Programs Conducted for Development Professionals

Training Programs Conducted for Development Professionals

Development Approaches and Social Entrepreneurship 

Training programs were conducted for development professionals working with various NGOs and communities on Appreciative Community Leadership. The participants were also introduced to Social Entrepreneurship as a concept for sustainability along with different development approaches.  

Customised Trainings  for Gram Vikas Peace Foundation

A total of 30 development professionals of the Gram Vikas Peace Foundation participated in training programs conducted on Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) and development approaches to enhance their skill in community engagement and designing development interventions for communities at grassroots level. 

The training programs also included an exposure visit to the model village Gangadevipalli and explored the best practices of communities for effective implementation and sustainability of development projects. 

Two-Week International Training Program Held on Community Driven Development

Development professionals from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka participated in a two-week international training program conducted on the methodologies, approaches and best practices in Community Driven Development (CDD). 

Communications Training Programs Conducted for Development Professionals

A two-day workshop was conducted on Effective Report Writing with 10 participants from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The participants enhanced their knowledge in practising a systematic approach to report writing to cater to the diverse needs of various stakeholders.

A virtual training session was also held on Writing Effective Case Stories focusing on approaches to writing impactful case studies for different development initiatives. 

Moses John Paul, Manager, Communications at Bala Vikasa facilitated both the sessions
