Bala Vikasa People Development Training Center Conducts Training Programs on Development Approaches and Trends

About 100 development professionals from across the world took part in various online and offline workshops organised on Community Driven Development (CDD), Results Based Management (RBM) and Asset Based Community Development(ABCD).
The training programs enhanced the knowledge and skills of the participants on the different methodologies and tools to effectively implement sustainable development projects at the grassroots level and the importance of monitoring and evaluating the progress of the projects at every level of project design and implementation.
A training program was also conducted on the Emerging Trends in Development to create awareness among NGOs on the various current trends and funding opportunities to sustain themselves and their development initiatives.
“ABCD Approach has completely changed our perspective towards community work. Instead of always considering the problems of a particular community, ABCD taught me to take the positive assets and resources of the communities and make use of them to bring a sustainable change.”
– Andrew, JMJ SSS